Peerless Pump Low Flow Impellers

Peerless Pump introduces a Low-Flow impeller, for you low-flow pumping needs. Are you operating your 3196/8196/LVB STX/STP pump chocked back in the curve, with resulting high maintenance cost?

Did you know that not operating your pumps at design point could cause the following problems:

  • Premature seal failure
  • Early bearing failure
  • High energy usage
  • Shaft failure
  • Excessive down time

Peerless’ solution to the low-flow problem. Peerless’ new low-flow impeller allows operation of your 6″ or 8″ STX/STP at 2.5GPM (1750RPM) or 5GPM (3550 RPM) without damage to the pump.

Peerless Pump Low Flow Impeller