December 17, 2019

Audit Your Air System to Find Energy-Saving Opportunities

Pulp mill air compressor system

Did you know that Chamco offers air audits and leak detection? This is a great way to find energy-saving opportunities in your system and help cut down on energy costs.

Chamco was recently on-site to conduct an air audit and leak detection at one of our pulp mill customers. As part of the audit, we assessed the pulp mill’s current air demands, discussed ways to make efficiency improvements, and will complete an analysis of how a new variable frequency drive/spiral valve compressor offers future energy savings for the customer.

As our customers search for cost-saving opportunities, Chamco will be there to maximize energy savings and provide exceptional customer service.

By |2019-12-17T19:45:20-07:00December 17th, 2019|Comments Off on Audit Your Air System and Save on Energy
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